Awakening Stories
I am so proud to be one of twenty three authors in the Awakening Stories Anthology. “Awakening” is remembering that your consciousness, the real you, is divinely connected to the infinite energy of God/Source and there is so much more to life than just a limited physical existence.
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“The world as we know it, as we have always known it, is in the throes of an increasingly rapid and profound change, an evolutionary shift, the likes of which we have never experienced. This process will be challenging, but the rewards for humanity are great! Tapping into deep reserves of inner strength and courage, we will awaken into this new world and embody new ways of being. Within these pages, Dr. Allison Brown presents twenty-three gifted authors who magnificently recount their own journey of awakening. Through these Awakening Stories, which span a variety of compelling and universal themes—betrayal, death, trauma, addiction, religious deconstruction, illness, and more—we will, together, navigate this uncharted territory and find our way home, back to ourselves and the divinity within.” - Editor Allison Brown
“I found these stories to be delightful!"
— Anita Moorjani, New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me
“Awakening Stories will inspire you . . . to seek the light of your soul and be the light for others..."
— Paul Chek, Founder, Chek Institute